


  • 性别:女
  • 职称:教授
  • 学历:博士
  • 学科:

相辉,女,教授,博士生导师。2000年本科毕业于西北大学,2003年硕士毕业与中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,2008年于中国科学院上海植物生理生态研究所获得博士学位,2010年于中国科学院昆明动物研究所博士后出站,随后在中科院昆明动物研究所遗传资源与进化国家重点实验室任副研究员,项目研究员。2016年3月全职引进金沙9001cc以诚为本首页。2011年入选“中国科学院青年创新促进会”会员。主要以进化基因组学、转录组学及调控组学手段,联合CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑技术等功能分析,深入开展家蚕人工选择机制、泌丝动物茧丝进化机制等研究,并拓展至鳞翅目害虫的入侵机制研究。共发表SCI论文30多篇,其中以第一或通讯(含共同通讯)作者在Nature Biotechnology,Nature Ecology and Evolution,PloS Genetics、Communications Biology等期刊发表论文23篇。主持973计划课题、国防科技创新特区项目、广东省实验室科研项目、中国科学院“西部之光人才培养计划” 重点项目等项目13项。获得省级自然科学奖(二等,排名第二)及省级优秀科技论文奖(特等,排名第一)。担任昆虫学会基因组学专业委员会青年委员、广东省遗传学会青年委员会委员,任Zoological Research 编委,PLOS Genetics guest editor及Frontiers in Genetics 专题编辑。 为Nature Communications、Communications Biology、Frontiers in plant science、Zoological Research、Insect Science等期刊论文审稿。

2000年本科毕业于西北大学, 2003年硕士毕业与中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园, 2008年于中国科学院上海植物生理生态研究所获得博士学位
1. 家蚕人工选择机制:家养动物在人工选择下的进化是物种快速进化的独特事件。家蚕作为唯一完全驯化的昆虫类家养动物,具有家养动物的“驯化综合征”以及昆虫特有的生物学特性,是研究人工选择机制的独特模式。我们将利用进化基因组学、转录组学等多组学手段,结合基因编辑以一系列分子生物学、细胞生物学研究手段,深入揭示家蚕驯化及改良过程中的重要形态、生理及行为性状的快速进化的遗传和分子机制。 2. 泌丝动物茧丝进化机制:丝蛋白是一类性能优良的生物高分子物质,具有重要的应用价值。丝蛋白结构与性能关系的深入解析,将为优良丝蛋白分子设计及改良的应用实践提供重要线索。我们将以重要泌丝动物如野生绢丝蛾类及蜘蛛为模式,从进化基因组学、转录组学及调控组学视角,探究自然选择下物种进化过程中茧丝变异的遗传机制。 3. 鳞翅目害虫入侵及爆发机制:鳞翅目蛾类中有不少农林害虫,尤其是近期入侵害虫在我国暴发成灾,造成农作物损失严重,防控紧迫而严峻。我们从进化基因组、转录组及DNA高级结构表观组学等角度,初步探讨害虫入侵及种群爆发的遗传机制,为害虫防治分子靶标的发掘提供参考依据。
生物信息学与组学,研究生,必修课 基因组学,本科生,选修课
近5年承担课题: 1. 岭南现代农业科学与技术广东省实验室科研项目、NZ2021019、靶向鳞翅目基因组DNA四链体高级结构的新农药筛选、2021.10-2023.09、50万、主持 2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目、32070411、保幼激素受体Met1对家蚕大脑驯化的作用机制、2021.01-2024.12、58万、主持 3. 广东省教育厅广东高校科研项目(自然科学类)特色创新项目、保幼激素信号在家蚕大脑发育及驯化过程中的作用机制、2019.11-2021.10、5万、主持 4. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目、2019A1515011012、保幼激素信号在家蚕大脑发育及驯化过程中的作用机制、2019.10.01 - 2022.09.30、10万,主持 5. 国防科技创新特区项目、17****-01、 动物****关系研究、2017.9 -2018.12、100万,主持 已结题代表性课题: 1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目、31371286、家蚕育种过程中近交衰退现象的表观遗传学调控机制、 2014.01-2017.12、90万、主持 2. 科技部973计划课题、2013CB835204、鸡鸭蚕等非哺乳类家养动物在人工选择下的进化模式和机制、2013.1-2017.12、582万、主持 3. 中国科学院西部之光人才培养计划重点项目、无、家蚕人工驯化过程中的表观遗传学改变及意义、2011.12 -2015.8、30万(终期考核优秀)、主持 4. 中科院青年创新促进会资助、2011.1 -2014.12,40元,主持 5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目、30870296、家蚕人工驯化过程中的表观遗传学改变、2009.01-2011.12、33万、主持



1.      Wang Z#, Zhu K#, Li H, Gao L, Huang H, Ren Y*, Xiang H*.2022. Chromosome‐level genome assembly of the black widow spider Latrodectus elegans illuminates composition and evolution of venom and silk proteins. GigaScience (Accepted)

2.      Wu, C#, Wang DF#, Niu KK, Feng QL, Chen HW, Zhu HB*, Xiang,H*.2021. Gene expression profiling in peripheral blood lymphocytes for major depression: preliminary cues from Chinese discordant sib-pair study. Translational Psychiatry 11(1): 540..

3.      Cui, Y#., Liu ZL#, Li CC#, Wei XM, Lin YJ, You L, Zhu ZD, Deng HM, Feng QL*, Huang YP* and Xiang H*. 2021. "Role of juvenile hormone receptor Methoprene-tolerant 1 in silkworm larval brain development and domestication." Zoological Research 42(5): 637-649.

4.      Wu F#, Niu KK#, Cui Y#, Li CC, Lyu M, Ren YD, Chen YF, Deng HM, Huang LH, Zheng SC, Liu L, Wang J, Song QS*, Xiang H*, Feng QL*. 2021. Genome-wide analysis of DNA G-quadruplex motifs across 37 species provides insights into G4 evolution. Communications Biology 498 

5.      Zhou SY, Dong QL, Zhu KS, Wang M, Gao L*, Chen X*, Xiang H*. 2021. Long-read transcriptomic analysis of orb-weaving spider Araneus Ventricosus indicates transcriptional diversity of spidroins. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 168(31): 395-402

6.      Wang M#, Lin YJ#, Zhou SY, Cui Y, Feng QL, Yan W*, Xiang H* . 2020. Genetic mapping of climbing and mimicry: two behavioral traits degraded during silkworm domestication. Frontiers in Genetics (DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2020.566961)  

7.      Cui Y#, Ren YD#, Lyu M, Zheng SC, Feng QL, Xiang H*. Genomic divergences between the two polyphagous Spodoptera relatives provide cues for successful invasion of the fall armyworm. 2019, Insect Science. doi.org/10.1111/1744-7917.12738.

8.      Zhu YN#, Wang LZ#, Li CC, Cui Y, Wang M, Lin YJ, Zhao RP, Wang W, Xiang H*. Artificial Selection on Storage Protein 1 Possibly Contributes to Increase of Hatchability during Silkworm Domestication. 2019, Plos Genetics 15(1): e1007616

9.      Xiang H#,Liu XJ#, Li MW#,Zhu YN, Wang LZ, Cui Y, Liu LY, Fang G, Qian HY, Xu AY, Wang W and Zhan S. The evolutionary road from wild moth to domestic silkworm. 2018, Nat Ecol Evol 2(8): 1268-1279.

10.  Cui Y#, Zhu YN#, Lin YJ, Chen L, Feng QL, Wang W*, Xiang H*. New insight into the mechanism underlying the silk gland biological process by knocking out fibroin heavy chain in the silkworm. 2018, BMC Genomics 19: 215

11.  Li CC, Zou C, Cui Y, Fu YH, Fang CC, Li Y, Li JX, Wang W; Xiang H*, Li CC*. Genome-wide epigenetic landscape of pig lincRNAs and their evolution during porcine domestication. 2018, Epigenomics 10(12): 1603-1618.

12.  Ren Y, Zhu Y, Wang G, Xiang H*, Wang BY*. Transcriptome of Pterospermum kingtungense provides implications on the mechanism underlying its rapid vegetative growth and limestone adaption. 2017, Sci Rep. 7: 3198

13.  Liu L, Wang J, Duan S,Chen L, Xiang H*, Dong Y*, Wang W*. Systematic evaluation of sericin protein as a substitute for fetal bovine serum in cell culture. Sci Rep 2016, 6: 31516.

14.  Li CC, Wang X, Fu YH, Luan Y,Wen Wang, Xiang H*, Li CC*. Molecular microevolution and epigenetic patterns of a long non-coding gene H19 show its potential function in pig domestication and breed divergence. 2016, BMC Evol Biol. 16: 87

15.  Dong Y, Dai FY, Ren YD, Liu H, Chen L, Yang PC, Liu YQ, Li X, Wang W*, Xiang H*. Comparative transcriptome analyses on silk glands of six silkmoths imply the genetic basis of silk structure and coloration. 2015, BMC genomics 16: 203

16.  Wu J*, Xiang H*, Qi Y, Yang D, Wang X, Sun H, Wang F, Liu B. Adaptive evolution of the STRA6 genes in mammalian. 2014, PloS One 9(9): e108388 (Co-correspondence author)

17.  Xiang H, Li X, Dai F, Xu X, Tan A, Chen L, Zhang G,Ding Y, Li Q, Lian J, Willden A, Guo Q, Xia Q, Wang J, Wang W. Comparative methylomics between domesticated and wild silkworms implies possible epigenetic influences on silkworm domestication. 2013, BMC Genomics 14: 646

18.  Zhan ZB, Ding Y, Zhao R, Zhang Y, Yu H, Zhou Q, Yang S, Xiang H*, Wang W*.  Rapid functional divergence of a newly evolved polyubiquitin gene in Drosophila and its role in the trade-off between male fecundity and lifespan. 2012, Mol Biol Evol 29: 1407

19.  Xiang H, Zhang J, Long YH, Xie L, Liu N, Huang YP, Wang Q. Intracolonial differences between worker and soldier castes of Coptotermes formosanus in gut bacterial Community. 2012, Insect Sci 9(1): 86-95

20.  Xiang H, Li MW, Guo JH, Jiang JH, Huang YP. Influence of RNAi knockdown for E-complex genes on the silkworm proleg development. Arch Insect Biochem Physiol 2011, 76(1):1

21.  Xiang H,Zhu JD, Chen Q, Dai FY, Li X, et al. Single base-resolution methylome of the silkworm reveals a sparse epigenomic map. 2010, Nat Biotechnol 28 : 516

22.  Xiang H, Li M, Yang F, Guo Q, Zhan S, Lin H, Miao X, Huang Y. Fine mapping of Ekp-1, a locus associated with the silkworm(Bombyx mori) proleg development. 2008, Heredity 100(5): 533

23.  Xiang H, Wei GF, Jia SH, Huang JH, Miao XX, Zhou ZH, Zhao LP, Huang YP. Microbial communities in the larval midguts of laboratory and field populations of cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera). 2006, Can J Microbiol  52(11): 1085-1092

24.  Xiang H, Chen J. 2004. Interspecific Variation of Plant Traits Associated with Resistance to Herbivory Among Four Species of Ficus (Moraceae). Ann Botany  94: 377-384


25.  Gai T, Tong X, Han M, Li C, Fang C, Zou Y, Hu H, Xiang H, Xiang ZH, Lu C, Dai FY. 2020. Cocoonase is indispensable for Lepidoptera insects breaking the sealed cocoon. PLoS Genet 16(9): e1009004.

26.  Niu K, Zhang X, Deng H, Wu F, Ren Y, Xiang H, Zheng S, Liu L, Huang L, Zeng B, Li S, Xia Q, Song Q, R. Palli S and Feng Q. BmILF and i-motif structure are involved in transcriptional regulation of BmPOUM2 in Bombyx mori. 2018,  Nucleic Acids Res 46(4): 1710-1723.

27.  Xu G, Zhang J, Lyu, H, Song Q, Feng Q, Xiang H, Zheng S. DNA methylation mediates BmDeaf1-regulated tissue- and stage-specific expression of BmCHSA-2b in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. 2018, Epigenetics Chromatin 11(1): 32.

28.  Zhou Z, Jiang Y, Wang Z, Gou Z, Lyu J, Li W, Yu Y, Shu L, Zhao Y, Ma Y, Fang C, Shen Y, Liu T, Li C, Li Q, Wu M, Wang M, Wu Y, Dong Y, Wan W, Wang X, Ding Z, Gao Y, Xiang H, Zhu B, Lee S, Wang W and Tian Z. Resequencing 302 wild and cultivated accessions identifies genes related to domestication and improvement in soybean. 2015, Nat Biotechnol 33(4):408-14

29.  Li, X, Fan D, Zhang W, Liu G, Zhang L, Zhao L, Fang X, Chen L, Dong Y, Chen Y, Ding Y, Zhao R, Feng M, Zhu Y, Feng Y, Jiang X, Zhu D, Xiang H, Feng X, Li S, Wang J, Zhang G, Kronfors MR, Wang W. Outbred genome sequencing and CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing in butterflies. 2015, Nat Commun 6: 8212.

30.  Chen L, Tang L, Xiang H, Jin L, Li Q, Dong Y, Wang W, Zhang G. Advances in genome editing technology and its promising application in evolutionary and ecological studies. 2014, GigaScience 3: 24.

31.  Chen S, Zhang G, Shao C, Huang Q, Liu G, Zhang P, Song W, An N, Chalopin D, Volff JN, Hong Y, Li Q, Sha Z, Zhou H, Xie M, Yu Q, Liu Y, Xiang H, et al. Whole-genome sequence of a flatfish provides insights into ZW sex chromosome evolution and adaptation to a benthic lifestyle. 2014, Nat Genet doi:10.1038/ng.2890

32.  Li X, Zhu J, Hu F, Ge S, Ye M, Xiang H, Zhang G, Zheng X, Zhang H, Zhang S, Li Q, Luo R, Yu C, Yu J, Sun J, Zou X, Cao X, Xie X, Wang J, Wang W. Single-base resolution maps of cultivated and wild rice methylomes and regulatory roles of DNA methylation in plant gene expression. 2012, BMC Genomics 13: 300

33.  Bonasio R, Li Q ,Lian J, Mutti NS ,Jin L, Zhao H, Zhang P, Wen P, Xiang H, Ding Y, Jin Z, Shen SS, Wang Z, Wang W, Wang J, Berger SL, Liebig J, Zhang G, Reinberg D. Genome-wide and caste-specific DNA methylomes of the ants Camponotus floridanus and Harpegnathos saltator. 2012, Curr Biol 22: 1755-1764

34.  Miao XX, Xu SJ, Li MH, Li MW, Huang JH, Dai FY, Marino SW, Mills DR, Zeng P, Mita K, Jia SH, Zhang Y, Liu WB, Xiang H, Guo QH, Xu AY, Kong XY, Lin HX, Shi YZ, Lu G, Zhang X, Huang W, Yasukochi Y, Sugasaki T, Shimada T, Nagaraju J, Xiang ZH, Wang SY, Goldsmith MR, Lu C, Zhao GP, Huang YP. Simple sequence repeat-based consensus linkage map of Bombyx mori. 2005, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102(45): 16303-16308.

35.  Peng JY, Li ZH, Xiang H, Huang JH, Jia SH, Miao XX, Huang YP. Preliminary studies on differential defense responses induced during plant communication. 2005, Cell Research 15(3):187-192.


1.      2011,云南省科技论文奖特等奖 排名第一(相辉,王文,李昕,张国捷,董扬)

2.      2017. 家蚕等鳞翅目昆虫茧丝进化机制及基因资源挖掘 云南省自然科学二等奖 排名第二(王文,相辉,李昕,陈垒,董扬)


1.  崔勇,相辉,冯启理; 鳞翅目昆虫酪氨酸蛋白激酶在防治虫害中的应用, 2021.02.09, 中国, ZL201810557603.X.

2.  朱克森,相辉,董庆林,周世怡,陈新; 云斑蛛牵引丝性能及其丝蛋白基因序列, 2021.01.26, 中国, ZL201910497633.0.

3.  周世怡,相辉,朱克森,董庆林,陈新; 大腹园蛛牵引丝性能及其丝蛋白基因序列, 2021.02.19,中国, ZL201910498175.2.

4.  林永坚,相辉,冯启理 ; 一种野蚕幼虫的饲养方法, 2020.09.18, 中国, ZL201710725547. 1.


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